My Services

What to Expect

Each session is tailored to you and what you would like to work on! That means that no two are alike.

My goal is to help people to live their healthiest, most resilient and most authentic life! That journey and the path to get there is as unique as each of us!

During a one-on-one session, I use a blend of life coaching and experiential activities while helping you to move into your most healthy Adult. Using The Adult Chair® model, we will get started right where you are today and take the next step on the path of YOUR journey! Sessions are full of useful information and practical skills that will fill your "resilience and emotional health" toolbox! These are things that we will work on together and that you take with you to use outside of sessions as well. You can start using them immediately!

Currently, sessions are on Zoom and we can do audio and video or audio only. I will send you a link, and Zoom is free to use!  You do not need to purchase an app. Live sessions will be available in the future.

Some people ask how often they should book an appointment.  That is completely up to you, but most people choose to book every two to four weeks. Some prefer meeting every week or every few months. All of these are correct!  Let's get you on your path and we can figure that out together at your first session!

We will go at your pace and work on what you want to work on. We will link arms virtually and take that next step on your path to your healthiest and most fulfilled self/you!


The Details


Life Coaching Session: 

  • 60 minutes 

  • Virtual on Zoom 

  • $105 starting April 1, 2021


“Mini” Coaching Session: 

  • 30 minutes 

  • Virtual on Zoom 

  • $55 starting April 1, 2021


Small Group Session

  • 3-5 people

  • 60 minutes 

  • A topic of your choice:

    examples include Inner Child work, Feelings 101 and many more 

  • $200 per hour