The Adult Chair: My Story

I have gone through adversity and multiple traumas as an adult, and I have come out the other side with the glorious gift of emotional freedom and a self-care tool kit that make me more resilient than ever before! I found The Adult Chair® after a therapist recommended it to me. I started listening to podcasts and practicing what I learned. Later, I joined the The Adult Chair® membership and found I was growing in ways I didn’t know I needed! I found my emotional feet. I was able to be curious and I had a vocabulary to speak about feelings and emotions. They lost their bite and their power over me, and I was no longer afraid of them (feelings). I had a growing tool box for managing my physical pain from damaged nerves AND a tool belt for the emotions and thoughts that accompanied the physical pain and disability. I discovered that all this, my life journey, had given me the gift of working through old issues that were still showing up in my adult life. The Adult Chair® has been life changing and life saving for me. I am so happy to be an Adult Chair Coach® and to bring this gift to others <3! 


I have seen changes in all areas of my life, including:

  • With pain and disability

  • With adjusting to major life changes and stressors

  • Making my relationships stronger and healthier

  • In how resilient I am

  • In how I show up everyday for myself

  • In my ability to be authentically me

  • In how much more joy and presence I now have.

I am so thankful!!


 The Adult Chair Model

The Adult Chair® is a manual for your life. It’s a tool that helps you feel empowered, confident, and equipped with a clear roadmap to your healthiest, most authentic self. Through The Adult Chair®, you will understand how your life experiences have shaped you, give a voice to the different parts of who you are, gain greater self-awareness, and respond to life in a healthy way.


The Child Chair

The Child Chair is the seat of our true needs and emotions. I always picture a 2 ½-year-old little one, mad when they are mad and happy when they are happy. It is pure and raw emotion and they are unhindered in expressing it. The emotions come and go naturally. This is the birthplace of our creativity.

The Adolescent Chair

Our Adolescent Chair is the seat of our protector and our ego. It is the part of us that works very hard to keep us safe, to keep us included and keeps us from being or from feeling hurt. This is an important part and also a part that can be out of balance.

The Adult Chair

The Adult Chair is our most aware self. From the Adult Chair we can recognize our feelings, be in touch with how our Adolescent is working to keep us safe and why (for what reason) AND we can bring in truth and fact. The clarity that comes with this Chair lets us respond instead of react to situations and circumstances.


“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

-Vivian Greene